Rest Easy

In these current times, we have to endure countless attacks on the Bible and its credibility as God's word. Even within public schools and universities, children and scholars are being taught that the world and the universe came from nothing. It simply came to be, without any planning or any place for everything to come from. The books of the Bible are constantly challenged because of information found within them that the humans of today have yet to discover. Because these scholars cannot discern, by physical means, the truths of the Bible, they simply say that the Bible cannot be correct. I remember going through science classes in elementary and middle school, and being taught that the world and the universe is billions of years old, that dinosaurs lived millions and millions of years before man, and that humans evolved from monkeys and gorillas. How false all this became to me when I finally figured out that it all goes against what the Bible teaches! While I was young, I never put two and two together that both the Bible and the theories about the origins of humanity and the universe could not be true! When this fact became clear to me, I began wondering why these people were being so irrational. Rather than taking what God put in the Bible, they are ignoring Him and formulating their own bizarre plans and theories. I do not know how to explain why these people are doing these things, other than to say that they simply do not want the Bible to be true. I don't see any other reason for it. If these men allowed the Bible to be their authority, countless hours of countless lives could have been used for something other than "the big bang" theory. How many sicknesses could have been cured? More importantly, how many souls could have been saved?

As a follower of Christ, I am glad that I do not have to think about why or how certain elements of our lives came about. Some events are explained in the Bible for us. Others, however, are not. Either way, God knows, and if we needed to know, He would have told us. I am glad that I can rest easy, knowing that God has control over all things.

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.


Anonymous said…
You did a fantastic job at writing this blog! I just wanted you to know how lucky I am to have such a spiritually minded boyfriend! Love ya!