The Door of Opportunity

Today, I was reading in the Gospel of Luke about the two men on the road to Emmaus, to whom Jesus Himself appeared to after He had been resurrected. These men were prevented from recognizing Jesus for who He was, but still, Jesus explained everything to these two men concerning the prophecies and their fulfillment. When Jesus came into the place where these men were staying and broke bread with them, they recognized Him for who He was, and then He was gone. Once Jesus had gone, the men seem as though they cannot believe that they did not recognize Jesus.

Many times today, we have opportunities that we do not recognize until they are gone, and when we look back, we cannot believe that we did not recognize them while they were present and with us. We have contacts and openings every day to help spread the Gospel, and yet many times we do not take advantage of these possibilities. Why do we not take advantage of these opportunities?! I believe this is a question we all ask ourselves when we realize what we have let pass by us. Often times we regret not taking action when we could have. Just think what sorts of things the men on the road to Emmaus could have asked Jesus if they had recognized Him! Although these men were prevented miraculously from recognizing Jesus, we are not prevented from seeing the opportunities that we have daily. We just have to look for them, be ready for them, and take advantage of them when they do present themselves to us. How much more could we further the cause of Christ if we stepped through the open doors that are in each of our lives? How much more could we learn if we took the time to study? These are questions that can only be answered by action. If we act, we can find out, and our existence on this earth will be fuller, not to mention more Christ-like. We should try every day to train our minds to see the open doors, and the many opportunities that come our way, so that we do not leave this life with doors unused, and souls not saved.


Anonymous said…
I really enjoyed this blog! There are so many regrets that I have from not taking advantage of all of my opportunities and not being as strong in the Word as I should! I really thought your blog was encouraging and thought you should know! Love ya!