The Good Fight?

Across all social media platforms there are, at any moment, a nearly infinite number of arguments over petty and insignificant issues. Somewhere along the line our culture has become enamored with the ability to argue and insult each other about everything.
  • Pizza toppings
  • Favorite actors 
  • Best Star Wars movies 
  • Waffle fries or curly fries 
  • Best gaming platform
I’m not even scratching the surface of the issues being argued day in and day out in the city square of social media. Not only are these arguments happening, but more and more people are jumping into the discussion every day. And you know what? It’s easy to do. Just pick a side and run with it. But have you ever wondered what is being accomplished by all that arguing? With these types of discussions there are no winners. They are utterly fruitless and without spiritual reward. Paul warned Timothy against such discussions (2 Timothy 2:16).

We need to start discussions that matter. We need to voice the way of God on issues of the soul rather than our opinions on issues of no importance. You won’t save a soul because of who you voted for, which movie is your favorite, or which game console you prefer, and so let’s not allow such petty and unimportant issues separate us from lost souls who need the gospel.

Use every social outlet as an opportunity to share the faith handed down to us from God (Jude 3). Eat pizza with pineapple if it allows you to invite someone to Bible study. Allow Star Wars Episodes 1-3 to assault your sanity if it provides the opportunity to talk about hope and forgiveness through Christ. And yes, you can even let an Xbox fanboy hate on your superior PlayStation if it opens a door to open the Word. Because there’s only one good fight: the fight for souls and faithfulness. Seek the lost (Luke 19:10) by becoming all things to all men (1 Corinthians 9:22), and dedicate yourself to keeping them saved (Philippians 2:16-17).
