How Do You Participate in the Gospel?

In Philippians 1:3-5, Paul praises the Philippians for their “participation in the gospel from the first day until now.” When I hear about someone participating in the gospel my thoughts immediately go to the preaching and teaching of the Word. I think about my own ministry and how I am participating in and continuing the work of the apostles in spreading the gospel to those who are willing to listen, and I am encouraged by the thought of marching arm in arm with those great preachers of years gone by.

However, when Paul writes to the Philippians and praises their participation in the gospel, he has a much broader application in mind. He is not only praising those who have dedicated themselves to teaching and preaching, but also to those who have encouraged and cared for those who do so.

Note the phrase in Philippians 1:5: “from the first day until now”. The beginning Paul is referencing would be the beginning of the church in Philippi. The first convert, as we see in Acts 16:14-15, was Lydia. Right after her household is saved she nearly forces Paul’s group to stay in her house. She was there to provide for them as they continued spreading the gospel in Philippi. That was the first day, and from that day forward Paul has experienced that same kind of participation in the gospel from this congregation of the Lord’s people. More recently the Philippians had sent Epaphroditus to minister to Paul’s need, presumably bringing money with him from the Philippians for Paul (Phil. 2:25; 4:14, 15-17).

Not everyone is cut out to be a preacher, and that’s ok. But everyone can participate in the gospel. How are you participating in the gospel? As I think of the example of the Philippians, these ways to participate come to mind:

  • Give money to support the works and ministers of your congregation.
  • Provide housing and/or food for traveling ministers and teachers.
  • Bring food to a potluck/fellowship gathering.
  • Maintain the cleanliness of the place in which your congregation meets.
  • Pray for the success of congregational outreach efforts.
  • Hand out fliers to encourage the lost to come to a spiritual gathering.
  • Share a spiritually centering article through social media.
  • Write an encouraging note on your preacher's profile.
  • Send an email informing a Bible teacher how you were helped by their lesson.

This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but I hope it gets your mind thinking about your opportunities to participate in the gospel. Everyone can participate, and every service is valuable, so look around and see what you can do!
