Are Your Hands Clean?


My wife Katherine and I watch Judge Judy on TV and we are always impressed when a biblical concept comes out in the judgment rendered. Recently the “dirty hands” principle came up. If the plaintiff has “dirty hands” then the judge will not rule in their favor, because they themselves are engaged in some illegal or unethical activity. For example, if I took Johnny’s lunch money and then Billy took that money from me, I can’t complain to the teacher and get that money back because I have “dirty hands”; I stole the money in the first place.

A similar principle is found in Matthew 18:21-35. In this passage Peter asks the Lord how many times he must forgive his brother when he sins against him. Thinking the number generous, Peter offers seven times as the limit.

Jesus answers Peter with a parable about a master who settled accounts with his slaves, and one had a massive debt. The slave pled for mercy, and the master forgave all that was owed. After being forgiven all his debt, that slave found a fellow slave who owed a small amount and demanded full repayment. When his fellow slave could not repay all he refused to forgive him but instead threw him in prison until he could pay in full.

When the master heard how wickedly this slave had behaved he recalled him and handed him over to the torturers until he could pay all that was owed. Matthew 18:35 is the application of this parable:

35 “My heavenly Father will also do the same to you, if each of you does not forgive his brother from your heart.”

We cannot come to God seeking forgiveness with “dirty hands”. If we seek forgiveness from God, we must forgive one another as well. The forgiveness God gives us is true, honest, and sincere, and so must our forgiveness be towards one another. If we only make an outward show of forgiveness but inwardly harbor a grudge, we cannot expect forgiveness from God. God looks at our hearts and examines our motives, and He sees the truth of all things.

Let each of us come to God with clean hands, hands that are full of forgiveness towards others and obedience to His Word. If you have harbored a grudge against anyone, forgive them from your heart, otherwise God promises suffering instead of forgiveness on the last day. No grudge is worth your soul. Let go of the hate and anger, those dark things within, and truly walk with God in the light.


If you live in or will be visiting the Sacramento area you are invited to worship with the Mariposa Avenue Church of Christ in Citrus Heights! Please visit our website and send any questions through our contact form! See you soon!
