What Price Will You Pay on Black Friday?


It’s a wonderful thing when our culture sets aside a time to help us remember to have a Christian attitude about life. Thanksgiving is one of those times. Amid all the stress of life, our country takes one day and dedicates it to remembering all the blessings we have been given in this world. For one day out of the year all the selfish and uncaring people don’t fit in because the majority of people are showing care and concern for others. Thanksgiving truly is a wonderful and joyous day.

Here’s something that is truly mind boggling, though. Everyone seems to truly enjoy times like thanksgiving, but the attitudes that make this time of the year so special are reversed the day after we celebrate all the blessings we have been given. We call it, “Black Friday”. It ought to be called “Black-eye Day” from what I hear, though. All the people who were so thankful for what they had the day before, now turn into professional boxers and wrestlers because they won’t be satisfied until they get something they don’t have yet. Where did all the good will go? Where did all the contentment go?

It was all flushed away by signs that say, “70% off” and “Early Bird Special”. While I won’t deny that you can find great deals the day after Thanksgiving, what price are we paying to get the deal? Are we forfeiting our Christian attitudes to save a dollar? Listen to the words of Jesus:

36 “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his soul? 37 “For what will a man give in exchange for his soul? -Mark 8:36-37

It is extremely easy to be sucked in by our culture to think that the day after “Thanksgiving” we need to go out and buy more things to be thankful for. This year, don’t be fooled. This year, don’t let greed get the best of you. Instead, do your shopping like Christians who care more about the souls of the other people in the store than anything else. If you get out on Black Friday, take the attitude of thankfulness and patience with you, and show others how different Christians really are from the rest of the world.
