I Could Never Be a Hermit

Hermans Hermits

For about two years I lived on my own in Denver, CO. I had my own apartment and my own stuff, and I thoroughly enjoyed the freedom I had to make my own schedule (in my time off) and use my free time however I wanted.

After that two years, Katherine and I married each other, and a new experience and learning process began. We had to learn to coordinate with each other about what our plans were for the day and so on. Sometimes it becomes tedious to plan things out, but it keeps things organized.

Just a few weeks back Katherine left to take a trip to Oklahoma to visit family over there. When that happened, I realized that I no longer needed to plan with someone else what I was going to do, I could just do it! I could go and do this or that whenever I wanted to! For about a day it was a great and cool experience. Then I started to realize that with all that freedom and all the fun things I was able to do, I didn’t have anyone there to share the experience with. Nobody was there to laugh at the joke I made (and it was funny too. What a shame.) or the observation about this actor or that actor on a TV show. Without someone to share these things with, it was difficult to find joy in them.

As I pondered these feelings, I thought about the rich fool in Luke who was overly concerned with himself and his own enjoyment, and didn’t care about anyone but himself. Even when he had so much food that he couldn’t store it all in his barns, he decided he would tear down the old ones and build bigger ones just so that he could fit it all in. That night, the Lord spoke to him:

20 “But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your soul is required of you; and now who will own what you have prepared?’

-Luke 12:20

Jesus goes on to say that anyone who is not rich towards God is the same as this man. Let us always remember to share our lives with others, and to be rich towards God in everything. He loves us and has showered us with blessings upon blessings. Let us share the joy He gives us with other people, and let us remember to thank God always for His wonderful blessings and the sacrifice of His Son for us, and let us always have the goal of living in a way that pleases God.
