Time for Prayer

Take Time to Pray

My wife Katherine and I, as many of you know, have recently moved to the state of California. This is quite a move for us, as both of us were raised in Oklahoma, which is farther than a day’s drive away, to say the least. Adjusting to being so far from home takes time and it isn’t the easiest task. Something that helps, though, is lots and lots of phone calls to family back home. There’s just something about being able to talk to them and let them know what is happening out here with us that is comforting.

In the same way that it is comforting to speak to our parents over the phone, it is also comforting for Christians to speak to their Lord in prayer. Through prayer we are allowed the privilege to speak to our Lord and receive the comfort that comes in knowing He listens and takes care of us. Our life here on this earth can be very difficult sometimes. We deal with sin, death, love, hate, anger, and all the stressful situations that those things bring on us. Whenever we find ourselves in a tough spot, we must remember that our Lord is there for us and wants to help us.

Most of us recognize that God is there to help us in the tough times, but sometimes when He helps us and the solution is applied, we forget our God. Just like the Israelites in the Old Testament, when things are going well for us we tend to forget about our God and believe that we can take care of ourselves and we don’t need His help. That, dear hearts, is a thought and belief we must not hold. We must remember God in the good times, in the easy times. When we forget God, we forget that He is the One who made the times good that we are in.

Let us remember God and remember to talk with Him regularly. Many of us take time to pray before we consume a meal, but those prayers often become simply repetitions of the same words you always say. How would you feel if when you spoke to your children they always said the same few words to you? Many times we think God is satisfied with a few sentences repeated over and over again. God desires more than memorized words that have no real meaning. He desires to know YOU and know YOUR struggles and YOUR happiness. Take the time to really speak with the Lord. Tell Him your innermost feelings, what you want and what you are thankful for. Praise Him for being the wonderful God He is. Praise Him for taking care of you. Praise Him for providing His Son as a sacrifice for you. Tell Him whatever is on your mind, He will be there to listen for as long as you are willing to speak.

Assignment: Each day this week, pray to God one more time than you normally would. Tell God how your day was and what trouble you had and what you need help with, and what you are thankful for.

“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

-1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
